I have a confession to make. I'm finding the Britten pieces for our next concert really quite hard.
All of the Britten pieces are pretty challenging, and bits of it sounds much nicer than others. Hymn to the Virgin is pretty, and I think it'll sound really effective in the concert. I'm struggling getting to grips with Rejoice in the Lamb. It's one of Britten's later pieces, and to me, sounds much more 'modern' than Hymn. Bits of it a quite pretty, and I'm reliably informed that the more you sing it, the more it grows on you, so fingers crossed.
Songs of the Fleet are more immediately catchy, though that's not to say there aren't any tricky bits, there's some really high notes in places!
Tickets for the concert have been released and are available from the website, by post, or from members of the chorale. It's on 15th June at Northcliffe Church, Shipley and tickets are £8 when bought in advance.